
Global cache directory configuration for vim plugins

Primary LanguageVim scriptBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Unify your caching directory and set your preferences globally. It just sets variables to the directory.

It currently supports out of the box:

Support for more plugins(/variables) can be easily added by the user itself or even by the plugins itself.


Use the plugin system you're using.

Plugin Manager Installing line
vim-plug plug 'Neui/cachedir.vim'
vundle plugin 'Neui/cachedir.vim'


For more information, please read the documentation located in doc/cachedir.txt, or :help cachedir.txt. The following is basically a big quote out of it.

You don't interact this plugin on a daily basis, rather you only set it up initially and for new plugins, if a particular plugin doesn't support cachedir or cachedir doesn't support that plugin yet. In other words, it's supposed to be set-and-forget with minimal configuration.

The main variables are g:cachedir_config, g:cachedir_prefix, g:cachedir_vimprefix and g:cachedir_globalprefix.

A path is constructed like this: (ASCII art)

          /home/neui/.cache / vim- gutentags
          ---+------------- | --+- -------------> NAME
             V              |   V
  g:cachedir_prefix         V  g:cachedir_vimprefix

Or when the 'global' in g:cachedir_config has been set to 1:

          /home/neui/.cache / vim/
          ---+------------- | --+-
             V              |   V
  g:cachedir_prefix         V  g:cachedir_globalprefix

If you like the default settings, and the plugin is supported, there is nothing to do. However, if you want to add support for a plugin, define g:cachedir_config as your liking, see g:cachedir_config for more information. Here's a example:

let g:cachedir_config = {
			\ 'NAME': 'g:VAR TO BE SET',
			\ 'OTHERNAME': {
			\	'var': 'g:OTHERNAME_CACHEDIR',
			\	'prepend': 1
			\ }
			\ }

The variable g:cachedir_prefix is a path to the general cache directory. By default, it's $TEMP, or $TMP (both only on Windows), $XDG_CACHE_HOME or ~/.cache otherwise.

The variable g:cachedir_vimprefix is the path inside the prefix above. If this variable doesn't end with a /, for example vim-, the directories are then called prefix/vim-NAME. The default is vim-.

The variable g:cachedir_globalprefix is basically the global version of g:cachedir_vimprefix, meant for plugins that their cache is shared (and there is no naming conflict). By default, it's vim/.

Another main part of the configuration is g:cachedir_config. This is a dictionary, basically describing what variables there are, how to handle them and so on.

Each key is a name (usually the plugin name), normally used as a name for the directory.

Each value is either a string, containing the variable name to be set, or 'x' to ignore it (see 'ignore' below), or an another dictionary, detailing more options. These are:

  • 'var' (String): The variable name to set.
  • 'ignore' (0/1): Ignore, don't apply whatsoever.
  • 'prepend' (0/1): Whenever it should prepend it, along with a comma
  • 'prepend-sep' (String): Prepend separator
  • 'append' (0/1): Whenever it should append it, along with a comma
  • 'append-sep' (String): append separator
  • 'cond' (String): Code that gets executed to check if it should apply it
  • 'name' (String): Name of the directory, normally the key
  • 'pre' (String): Prefix for the complete path
  • 'suf' (String): Suffix for the complete path
  • 'global' (0/1): Whenever it should use a global directory
  • 'path' (String): Explicit path, normally determined automatically
  • 'prefix' (String): Custom g:cachedir_prefix
  • 'vimprefix' (String): Custom g:cachedir_vimprefix or g:cachedir_globalprefix, depending on the global attribute

Here's an copy-pasteable version for convince with default values:

	\ 'NAME': {
	\ 	'var': 'unknown',
	\ 	'ignore': 0,
	\ 	'cond': '1 == 1',
	\ 	'prepend': 0,
	\ 	'prepend-sep': ',',
	\ 	'append': 0,
	\ 	'append-sep': ',',
	\ 	'global': 0,
	\ 	'prefix': '',
	\ 	'vimprefix': '',
	\ 	'globalprefix': '',
	\ 	'path': '',
	\ 	'name': '',
	\ 	'pre': '',
	\ 	'suf': '',
	\ }

Since your user config has the highest priority, please take out the unused fields!