
NeuraChip Accelerator Simulator

Primary LanguageHTML

DOI Website


WebGUI: neurachip.us

NeuraChip is a GNN accelerator that is built using the NeuraSim simulator. NeuraSim is a cycle accurate simulator that contains six modules as follows:

  1. NeuraSim Engine: The cycle accurate simulator engine built in C++.
  2. NeuraCompiler: A pythonic compiler that takes graphs as inputs and generates a binary to be executed by the NeuraSim Engine. The NeuraCompiler uses an extended x86 ISA.
  3. Mongo: The Mongo module is a part of NeuraSim Engine that is coupled with an instance of MongoDB server. Throughout the simulation, NeuraSim pushes performance metrics to the MongoDB server.
  4. NeuraViz: A pythonic module that generates all plots to visualize the data. NeuraViz is coupled with MongoDB and fetches simulation metrics from MongoDB server.
  5. Dashboard: For ease of use, we deploy NeuraChip on our servers and make it available to the community over a WebGUI called Dashboard. The web Dashboard can be accessed over https://neurachip.us.
  6. DRAMSim3: NeuraChip utilizes the memory simulator provided by Li et. al., called DRAMSim3 for computing HBM memory request latencies.

Installation and Usage

Clone and enter the repository:

git clone https://github.com/NeuraChip/neurachip.git
cd neurachip


# This starts the container with the --rm flag, 
# so it will be removed when you stop or exit the container

The commands below are to be executed inside the container.

Mongo DB

NeuraSim requires a MongoDB instance to store the simulation results. So we need to start a MongoDB instance.

Mongo DB Server Launch

Must be started on the background with:

sudo -u mongodb mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf --fork


Change directory to NeuraSim

cd /home/ktb/git/NeuraChip/NeuraSim

Compile NeuraSim


Run NeuraChip Simulation
