- Create high-quality words based on state-of-the-art LLMs (e.g. Mixtral)
- Create fancy icons based on Stable-Diffusion
- A website to play with the combinations
- a tree/graph to keep track of your combinations
- allow for subtractive combinations
- Export client-only website
Prompts, Models, and Explanation
- Infinite Craft: https://neal.fun/infinite-craft/
- GPT Combination Guesser: https://github.com/YuraSuper2048/infinite-craft-gpt-server
- Infinite Craft Related Repos: https://github.com/search?q=infinite+craft&type=repositories (mostly bruteforcer or enumerators)
- GPT-4 API + Dall-e (realistic images): https://github.com/sshh12/llm_alchemy
- with oolama: https://github.com/Fus3n/infinite-sides?tab=readme-ov-file
- docker+postgres: https://github.com/joeyagreco/infinite-craft-architecture
- chatgpt 3.5: https://github.com/dekdao/infinite-craft-nextjs
- mistral+website: https://github.com/bufferhead-code/opencraft
Some example combinations from first testing:
fire + water = steam
fire + steam = vapor
steam + steam = pressure
water + water = ponds
steam + water = vapor
goblin + harry potter = snatcher
goblin + lord of the rings = orcish ruler
pond ecosystem + pond environment = pond habitat
vapor + vapor = evaporation
ponds + ponds = bodysofwater
bodysofwater + bodysofwater = large bodies of water
large bodies of water + water = oceanic masses
oceanic masses + water = marine volumes
oceanic masses + oceanic masses = vast oceanic expanse
oceanic masses + vast oceanic expanse = immense marine volumes
immense marine volumes + vast oceanic expanse = monumental aquatic dimensions
steam + vapor = water vapor
vapor + water vapor = atmospheric moisture
water + water vapor = moisture
moisture + water = dampness
comic + life = humor
comic + pokemon = pokémon-inspired comic
fire + pokemon = charizard
pokemon + water = squirtle
squirtle + time = moment
level + squirtle = tiered turtle
evolution + squirtle = evolved creature from squirtle
charizard + squirtle = firefighter squirrel
cannon + squirtle = watergun
charizard + flower = blossizard
flower + pokemon = petalbuddy
nature + pokemon = wilderness creatures
electricity + pokemon = pikachu
pokemon + rat = rattata
pikachu + pokemon = pikapokeball
evolution + pikachu = pikaevolution
pikachu + pikachu = two pikachus
blossizard + water = aquablossom
flower + pikachu = petal pokmon