
Anime and manga-centric social network.

Primary LanguagePHP

Animurecs is a PHP / MySQL social network aimed at making enjoying anime a communal experience. It uses memcached to store and retrieve frequently-queried data.

To get started (after installing the above dependencies), you should do the following:

  1. git clone Animurecs
  2. Modify global/config.php.example to work with your setup and rename it to global/config.php
  3. Modify dbv/config.php.sample with the authentication setup of your choice and rename it to dbv/config.php
  4. Open up dbv/index.php in your browser and push all the disk schema to your database
  5. Open up scripts/config.example.txt, copy it to scripts/config.txt and change the parameters to fit your installation

After that, you'll want to set up your webserver. Point your server's document root to the public folder, and then create a rewrite rule to route all requests to index.php inside the public folder. For nginx it'd look like this:

if (!-e $request_filename) {
    rewrite  ^/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)?(/(.+?))?(/([0-9A-Za-z\_]+))?/?(\.([a-zA-Z]+))?/?$ /index.php?model=$1&id=$3&action=$5&format=$7 last;

You should be all set up to go after that!

© 2012 Charles Guo