NeuGen is made for generation of dendritic and axonal morphology of realistic neurons and networks in 3D
- 5
3 Dimensional models instead of 1D
#34 opened by RABuijse - 18
UGX export for simulating Neurons
#33 opened by RABuijse - 1
Deployment and Unit Testing
#21 opened by stephanmg - 0
- 3
Self-intersections in NeuGen-created cells
#29 opened by bsumirak - 1
Netbeans Project -> Gradle
#25 opened by stephanmg - 0
Enhance interconnection process
#30 opened by bsumirak - 2
inconsistent synapse export
#31 opened by bsumirak - 1
UGX export and import
#13 opened by stephanmg - 3
NGX export for Hippocampal Networks and TXT export for Hippocampal Networks and NeoCortex issues
#11 opened by stephanmg - 0
Exporter for Networks (Refactoring)
#22 opened by stephanmg - 0
NeuroML import/export
#24 opened by stephanmg - 6
NeuGen Executables (OSX > 10.10)
#28 opened by miho - 1
NeuroML export
#23 opened by stephanmg - 2
Refactor / Enhance NeuGen's backend
#26 opened by stephanmg - 4
Enhance GUI-independent NeuGenBackend (NGBackend)
#14 opened by stephanmg - 2
Things to do
#3 opened by stephanmg - 1
#15 opened by stephanmg - 2
- 1
Revise network generation
#18 opened by stephanmg - 0
- 1
- 0
Compression for TXT export
#19 opened by stephanmg - 2
Hippocampal network export
#8 opened by stephanmg - 2
(Known) Bugs
#16 opened by stephanmg - 0
Coarsen grids
#9 opened by stephanmg - 2
Major todos for NeoCortex export
#10 opened by stephanmg - 2
.ugx grid output or .xml output
#7 opened by stephanmg - 2
#2 opened by stephanmg - 1
Tasks must be more flexible
#4 opened by stephanmg - 0
.hoc export
#6 opened by stephanmg - 1
- 0
Library upgrade
#5 opened by stephanmg