
The Academic Resource Portal of IIT Bhubaneswar

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • A portal which would host academic resources exclusively for the students of IIT Bhubaneswar.

  • Link to the Website : https://arpiitbbs.firebaseapp.com

  • This repository consists of the codes for frontend of Academic Resource Portal.

Table of Contents

Basic Application of the Project

One can upload and download resources, which are useful for Academic purposes, like Question papers, Tutorials, Quizzes, Materials,etc wih the help of this portal. The resources would be examined by the Admins before being uploaded, to ensure that users are provided the correct content.


  • Google Sign-in enabled

  • Authentication employed to allow only IIT Bhubaneswar community to upload resources.

  • Resources can be flagged by users if found to be inappropriate along with specifying the reason for flagging it.

  • Compatible with all kinds of devices (with the help of BootStrap).

  • Option to upload multipe resources at the same time.

  • Implementation of MVC Model in the front-end, making the code more organized and easy to undertand.

  • Execution of Admin page consisting of various functions to ease the work of Admins monitoring the resources and providing the right information to the Users.

Description of MVC model implementation

The frontend was implemented using the MVC model which consists of three parts namely Model, View and Controller, apart from the interface.The users directly interact with the interface which calls View to perform specific functions and view further communicates with controller and passes the request to Controller and viceversa, Controller is the only point of contact between view and model. While model passes the requests from contoller to backend and returns the response if any from Backend to the Controller, controller returns the response to view, which finally displays the output to the user.

Implementation of the WebPage

  • On opening/reloading the page, all the resources from the server would be fetched at once, which makes the website work like a static page across various sections.

  • The website broadly includes three sections : Home Section, Upload Files section and Contact us section. The navigation bar at the top has the routes to all the three sections while the college logo has embedded link to home section.

  • All the 3 sections are included in the main page as divisions, instead of additional webpages, which makes the website work quicker and snappy.

Home Section

  • The home section consists of all the uploaded resources arranged according to the School, Branch of the subject of each resource.

  • The section consists of Search Bar, which operates by Search by Subject method as follows :

    (i) The search routine gets a list of all subjects (irrespective of branh) as soon as the home page loads.(The functions for these operations are present in searchBar.js file.

    (ii) Search is done by simple substring checking.

    (iii) The file searchModel.js which contains functions to fetch data from Backend and return to searchController.js which further sorts the result and sends to searchBar.js in view.

  • All branches are hardcoded on HomePage into respective school cards/boxes.

  • Clicking on specific branches displays its own section consisting of list of all subjects.

  • And selecting a subject would load its own subjectTemlate division.

  • The subjectTemplate section displays all the resources of the particular subject in different cards based on their type.

  • Sorting into cards is implemented in controller. Model function from modelUtils.js helps in fetching the data from server.

  • Clicking on resource would trigger the downloadResource function from subjectTemplate.js file in View, which will request the file to be downloaded through the similar MVC cycle.

  • There are also options to flag a resource and to delete a resource which which are also implemented using functions from subjectTemplate.js file in view and using the MVC path.

Upload Files Section

  • The upload form consists of a form container consisting of various details of the resource to be filled by the user.

  • It alo consists of options to upload more resources and remove a form which user might not want to uplaod.

  • Uploading a file would require Google Sign-in, which would be triggered on clicking the Submit button, only iitbbs.ac.in domained e-mails would be allowed. The view functions for upload page are written in uploadTemplate.js file in View.

  • This email-id will be appened to FormData object, which also consists of the information about the resource being uploaded along with the uploaded PDF of the resource.

  • The PDF will be uploaded in the firebase database and the downloadable link will be appeneded to the formdata which will be sent to the server. The controller functions in uploadController.js file calls the uploadModel.js, which contains the functions to do the above operations.

  • The uploaded files will be marked directly as unreviewed and would be sent to the admin page for reviewing.

Admin Page

  • The page can be only accessed by Admins of the project.

  • Admins moniter the uploaded resorces, which are either unreviewed or flagged by users.

  • The page has options to delete a file, unflag a file, mark a file as reviewed and change the information in a form data.

  • The reviewed files approved by the admins would be uploaded to the main page.

Built With

  • Hosting the portal, Data Base and Storage - Firebase
  • Programming languages used - JavaScript, JQuery
  • Resources - bootstrap-4.3.1-dist,jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js

Contributing and Deploying on loacal machine

  • Fork the repository https://github.com/NeuromancersIITBBS/AcademicResourcePortal.git and download the code to your local system using 'git clone' command.

  • A new method can be suggested to implement the functions in model/uploadModel.js to upload the files in firebase storage and also to extract the downloadable link and the storage loaction of the resource.

  • Do verify by testing on loacl machine, any changes you would like to contribute to our codes.

  • Create a pull request explaining the details of the changes made.

Link to Backend Git Repository



  • Rishabh Gupta (Project Lead)
  • Aashay Palliwar
  • Anuj Gupta
  • Raj Shah
  • T.V.S.S.Sripad
  • Pradyuman Agrawal
  • Jayakar Reddy
  • Sreekanth Vadigi
  • Erva Nitish Kumar

Contact us

You can put your queries to us at secyprogsoc.sg@iitbbs.ac.in