This repository contains a simple web application, representing as an HTTP API service for a Simple TODO application.
- CRUD for TODO item
- Add a comment for the TODO
- Add a label for TODO
You can find an API spec in the api/swagger.yaml
To simply run this application, all you have to have installed is Docker engine with docker-compose toolset. Once you have it installed, please follow steps:
- Download this repo
- run
docker-compose build
- run
docker-compose up -d
The application will be exposed on port 19000. So, go to the http://localhost:19000/api/v1/todos to check If the application run correctly, you can start playing with the API. Use swaggerfile mentioned above as a reference.
The application provides an API that protected by a very simple JWT autherization. For simplicity, the application
use hard-coded user with the following credentials: username - user
, password - password
To authorize requests to the API, we have to get the token by calling the /signin
endpoint with appropriate
credentials. For example:
Please note: the output may differ
curl -X POST http://localhost:19000/signin --data '{"username":"user","password":"password"}'
Then we can use this token to authorize requests to our API:
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXIiLCJleHAiOjE2NTg4NTUwMTV9.JligE1ZNoARJ1Uf8IulyEBbQwE5QdHDdLh7gYScTCYw' http://localhost:19000/api/v1/todos
contains the timestamp that we can use to identify when the token will be expired. To renew the token, we
can call /refresh
and get back renewed token (we have 30 seconds window to renew it):
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXIiLCJleHAiOjE2NTg4NTUwMTV9.JligE1ZNoARJ1Uf8IulyEBbQwE5QdHDdLh7gYScTCYw' http://localhost:19000/refresh
{"token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXIiLCJleHAiOjE2NTg4NTY5MzV9.6LCtnVntqmn2i5fbLakM6Y13T6HztKi2nfkc4-IUL2w", "expires":1658856935}
The application delivered within staged Dockerfile. Thus we can easily use different strategies to deploy it.
If we want to deploy the application using Kubernetes, we can simply build a docker image out of the Dockerfile and put it into your favorite registry. Application is stateless, so we can schedule it easily using Kubernetes Deployment object. We should create ConfigMap in order to provide configuration .yaml file It is meant that before starting application there should be Postgres DB running. We should keep this in mind and don't forget to provide the DSN to the application.
Application exposes 2 endpoints to check health/readiness: /healthz
& /readyz
If we want to deploy this app as a binary, we can do it using enormous possible ways. The repo provides Makefile.
By running make build
the binary for current OS/arch will be compiled. make build-release
will produce
linux-specific production ready binary, consult Makefile to learn more.
To run test, simply type a command make test
- Test coverage
- Provide k8s config files as a reference and a way to deploy
- Extend API to include comments/labels into the TODOs response
- Multi-user API, with authentication/authorization flow ...