Issue Running CONICSMat Tutorial Due To Deprecated SCRAN Function
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I am working through the SmartSeq2 scRNA seq of Oligodendroglioma tutorial for CONICSMat and running into an issue with this part:
It appears that detectVarGenes calls a scran function TrendVar, which is deprecated. SCRAN suggests replacement with fitTrendVar, but this takes in both a matrix of counts and a vector of variances, while TrendVar only takes in the count matrix. How can we generate this vector of variances in order to successfully run fitTrendVar and therefore visualize CNVs on a tSNE?
Thank you!
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If anyone's still interested in the solution for this or comes looking for it in the future, they can use the below modified function to detect variable genes.
detectVarGenes_custom = function(mat,ngenes=500,FDR=0.00001){
var.out = scran::modelGeneVar(mat)
hvg.out = var.out[which(var.out$FDR <= FDR),]
hvg.out = hvg.out[order(hvg.out$bio, decreasing=TRUE),]