
A simple labelling tool for landmarks/keypoints on 2D images.

Primary LanguagePython

Label Any Landmarks

Some interesting GUI tools built via TKinter-python.

一些有意思的用 TKinter-python 实现的工具。可以当做大作业的实例学习,也可以直接使用哈哈。

1️⃣ Landmarks/Key-points Annotation 🔥🔥

Before beginning, modify the maximum number of landmarks w.r.t. your scenario in line#49 in ./interface_landmarks_annotator.py (5 by default).

#  Modify the following line w.r.t. your scenario.  #
window.max_count_landmarks = 5

Running by python ./interface_landmarks_annotator.py, and we will see



1️⃣ Open the image directory 2️⃣ Open the landmarks directory 3️⃣ Annotate 4️⃣ Save
[File]-[打开文件夹] [File]-[打开保存文件夹] Left click the mouse ​🖱️​. Click the ⬅️ or ➡️ to save the current annotation and
go to the previous or the next image.
1668863862515 p.s. If there exists .txt file with the same name,
e.g., {image-filename}-0.txt, it will be loaded and displayed.
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MORE useful applications.

5️⃣ Zoom Out 6️⃣ De-annotate 7️⃣ Multiple Subjects
1. Single Click the white space
2. [Left Click] & [Drag] & [Release] to draw a rectangle region to zoom out.
3. Click 🖱️ to annotate.
4. Click ⬅️ and turn to the original view.
5. Save.
1. Move 🖱️ to be as close as possible to the target point to re-annotate.
2. [Right Click] to remove the original annotation.
3. [Left Click] to re-annotate the point.
4. Save.
1. Notice that the naming format of the resulted .txt's
2. Suppose we have annotated the first subject
3. Click ⬇️, the first annotation will be hided (& saved)
4. Click 🖱️ to annotate a second subject.
5. Save.
6. Click ⬆️ or ⬇️ to view multiple annotations for different subjects.