You can integrate the basic kerning functionality into a CMS with a simple div and the ./js/kerningfield.js.
- select a letter and press the ARROW or WASD keys (whit SHIFT)
- double click on the text and change it (ENTER,ESC,SHIFT+ENTER)
I made with jQuery, but the KerningField only use it for event handling, so you can easily change to other library.
Usage example:
to the admin page:
<div id="Text">Kerning</div>
// This will take care all of kerning stuff
// Second parameter true if you want use vertical 'kerning'
var field = new KerningField($('#Text')[0], false);
// Get and save the dom string.
// Next time the KerningField will parse the optimazed dom string
var domOutput = field.getDOMString(true);
to the live page (from the domOutput):
<div class="kerned">
<span class="ls_-1">K</span>
<span class="ls_-4">nin</span>
/* setup manually some css rule */
.ls_-4 { letter-spacing: -4px}
.ls_-3 { letter-spacing: -3px}
.ls_-2 { letter-spacing: -2px}
.ls_-1 { letter-spacing: -1px}
.ls_1 { letter-spacing: 1px}
.ls_2 { letter-spacing: 2px}
.ls_3 { letter-spacing: 3px}
.ls_4 { letter-spacing: 4px}
- Mobil device support
- maybe support IE 8, IE7...