
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Face Off!

Play a guessing game. Our program will generate a fake face as awell as a randomly selected headshot of a real person, and the user has to guess which is which. | Feb. 2020

By **Alex Skreen and Eric Settels **

link to demo site coming


This boilerplate site has one index.html file that is already linked to the included bootstrap.css(4.4), styles.css, jQuery.js(3.4.1), and scripts.js.

There is a pre-built two input form with a submit button. There is also a simple jQuery function that will console.log when the submit button is clicked.

The .gitignore file is a template for mac osx but a link is provided to get a template for any operating system.

create a .gitignore template for your os here

Setup/Installation Requirements

Make sure you have git version control installed on your computer.

  1. find the green 'Clone or Download' button and copy the link
  2. open terminal and type...


cd desktop

Mac & linux

cd ~/Desktop
  1. in terminal type 'git clone {link to repository} '
git clone Link-Here
  1. navigate to the new folder that was created on your desk
  2. select index.html
  3. right click on the file and select 'open with'
  4. select your browser
  5. enjoy this project


Behavior Driven Development Spec List

Behavoir Input Output
A user can Click start and see 2 faces click two faces are generated on the screen
1. The program generates a fake face using a fake face generator API Click One of the two faces is fake
2. The program generates a fake face using a random headshot generator API Click One of the two faces is a real headshot
3. The program will generate a next button Click Two more faces are generated on screen
4. The user can repeat steps 2-3 for however long they want Click Correct! or Incorrect!
The program will award a point for each correct guess the user submits Click real face User points: 1


The software is provided as is. It might work as expected - or not. Just don't blame me.

Built With


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

Copyright (c) 2020 Alex Skreen and Eric Settels