
A Disaster Management application

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Jatayu Disaster Management System

Welcome to the Jatayu Disaster Management project repository!

Getting Started


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Node.js: Make sure you have Node.js installed on your machine. You can download it from https://nodejs.org/.


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone <repository_url>

    Replace <repository_url> with the actual URL of your GitHub repository.

Navigate to the "client" directory:

 cd Jatayu/client

Install project dependencies using npm:

  npm install


To start the development server using Vite and run the client-side React application, follow these steps: In the "client" directory, run:
npm run dev

This will start the development server and open your React app in a web browser. By default, it will run on http://localhost:3000/.

Begin developing your React app within the "client" folder. You can edit the code in the src directory to create your disaster management website.

Additional Information The "server" directory contains server-side code for your project. Be sure to check it out for any backend-related tasks.

Feel free to customize this README to provide more specific information about your project, including its purpose, features, and how to use it.

Happy coding!


Screenshot 2024-02-01 170955

Solution Details:

  1. Organization’s Side and Troop’s Side:

    • Developed into two parts for effective collaboration.
    • Organization’s side facilitates dynamic management of information, team, resources, and troops.
    • Troop’s side is responsible for real-time updates from disaster sites, both online and offline.
  2. Technology Stack:

    • Frontend: React-JS, Vite, Tailwind
    • Android: Kotlin
    • Backend: Express.js
    • Database: MongoDB
    • Machine Learning: Python
    • Radio Technology: C++
  3. Features:

    • Online and offline mode support for rescue agencies.
    • Live tracking of sessions, participation, and communication via web app.
    • Logs of past and present sessions, easy communication, collaboration, and offline communication.
    • Real-time monitoring with images of affected areas using machine learning.
    • Government can monitor all sessions and transactions securely.
    • Secure payments using blockchain technology (MetaMask).
    • Database includes registration, verification, and the ability to send online and offline:
      • Pictures
      • Alerts
      • Requests for assistance
      • Location information
  4. User Interface:

    • Login screen with TroopID and Password.
    • Dark and Light mode
    • Live map with severity level representation.
    • Geographical map representation with red zone severity status.
    • Input fields for easy communication and collaboration.
    • Real-time progress bars for survivors, injured, casualties, and estimated affected areas.
  5. Dashboard:

    • Web app dashboard for team Enigma with details on sessions, teams, transactions, and data.
    • Separate sections for sessions, teams, transactions, and data.


Web ScreenShots

  • Screenshot 2024-02-01 172009
  • Screenshot 2024-02-01 171626
  • Screenshot 2024-02-01 171815

Mobile Screenshots

  • Screenshot 2024-02-01 172101
  • Screenshot 2024-02-01 172158

Use Cases:

  1. Emergency Response Coordination and Real-Time Updates:

    • Scenario: Multiple rescue organizations are involved in the response effort during a disaster.
    • Use Case: The application serves as a real-time coordination platform, allowing different organizations to collaborate and share information about resources, personnel, deployment plans, and receive alerts and updates tailored to their roles and locations.
  2. Offline Mode for Limited Connectivity:

    • Scenario: Internet connectivity may be limited in disaster-stricken areas.
    • Use Case: The application provides an offline mode, enabling users to access critical information and functionality even when there is no internet connection available. Data can be synchronized automatically once connectivity is restored.
  3. Troop Deployment and Tracking:

    • Scenario: Troops need to be deployed to disaster-affected areas quickly.
    • Use Case: Organizations can use the application to dispatch their troops to specific locations in real-time. Troop movements and progress can be tracked on a live map, allowing for better situational awareness and response management.
  4. Resource Allocation, Data Sharing, and Mapping:

    • Scenario: Organizations must allocate resources like medical supplies, equipment, and personnel to different locations during a disaster.
    • Use Case: The application enables organizations to monitor their resource availability and allocate them efficiently to specific areas in need. Users can also share real-time data, including maps and geo-tagged photos, for informed decision-making about resource allocation and response strategies.
  5. Locating Survivors using Machine Learning:

    • Innovation: JATAYU leverages machine learning to enhance disaster response.
    • Feature: The application can identify survivors by analyzing unique facial features, helping family members locate affected individuals by matching onsite photos of victims with those provided by family members.
  6. Secure Payment Transactions:

    • Scenario: Financial transactions are required for resource procurement.
    • Use Case: The application integrates blockchain technology for secure payments. Organizations can make secure transactions and track financial flows transparently, reducing the risk of fraud or misappropriation of funds.
  7. Access Control and Permissions:

    • Scenario: Data security and access control are crucial.
    • Use Case: The application enforces role-based access control to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive information. This helps protect sensitive data and ensures privacy and security.


Shiven Upadhyay
(Backend + Frontend DEV)

Yuvraj Singh
(Android DEV)

Aayush Aryan
(Frontend DEV)
  • Me (Backend + Frontend DEV)
  • Yuvraj Singh (Android DEV)
  • Vibhuti (Android DEV)
  • Uravashi (Backend DEV)
  • Aayush Aryan (Frontend DEV)
  • Yogita (Designer)