
Mappersmith middleware to record requests and responses in HAR format

Primary LanguageJavaScript


EXPERIMENTAL: This module is in a very early stage and intended to be used in a very specific context. It may or may not be appropriate for your use case. For something more mature and generic, take a look at PollyJS.

Mappersmith middleware to record requests and responses as HAR files. These files are simple JSON files that can either be read directly or loaded into a HAR viewer or even the browser's own developer tools.

Note that this middleware currently only works in NodeJS, as it relies on being able to write files to the filesystem. You can implement a custom persistence class that works in a browser environment, but it does not come out of the box.

Screenshot of HAR viewer


$ yarn add mappersmith-recorder


const path = require('path')
const forge = require('mappersmith');
const { RecorderMiddleware, Session, FileSystemPersistence } = require('mappersmith-recorder');

const persistence = new FileSystemPersistence({ path: path.join(__dirname, 'recordings') })
const session = new Session({ name: 'github', persistence })

const client = forge({
  clientId: 'github',
  middleware: [RecorderMiddleware({ session })],
  host: 'https://status.github.com',
  resources: {
    Status: {
      current: { path: '/api/status.json' }

const main = async () => {
    await client.Status.current()

    // Save the session to disk
    await session.save()

    await client.Status.current()

    // Save session containing both calls
    await session.save()

    // Clear the session


After running the following, in recordings/ there should be two files called github-${datetime}.har.