
Cambiatus public GraphQL API

Primary LanguageElixir

Cambiatus ~ Backend

Welcome to the Application that serves as one of the backends for the Cambiatus Ecosystem, One of the backends since this is the one that contains the data in a manner than is easy to index and search.

In the context of the diagram below which is a high level view of how the data flows in our application this application serves as the datastore using a postgress db and as the API using Phoenix running a Graphql Server


Cambiatus Data Flow

At a highlevel this is a database that is synced to events on an blockchain which then presents a Graphql API that makes it simpler to consume the information from the blockhain. At the moment this is a normal database with the the usual CRUD actions however creation and updating happens as a result of events that trigger writes and updates to our database.

The intention down the line is to make this database a write only database in an Event Sourced structure which will enable us to replay events and give us much more observability.

Building and running the application locally

To build this backend follow the following

  1. Clone this repository by running git clone git@github.com:cambiatus/backend.git
  2. Change directory into the new repository by cd backend
  3. Install dependencies by running mix deps.get
  4. Run tests by running the test command as mix test
  5. Run the server using mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.


When you are ready to make your first contribution please check out our Contribution guide, this will get your up to speed on where and how to start


  • TBD