
Switch Mini-App to stream telegram files and more features.

Primary LanguagePython


TeleCloudBot provide mini-Telegram management on the Switch platform with the power of mini-apps.

Check TeleCloud on Switch


  • login with your account.
  • Search and save channels.
  • Stream any video file.
  • folders management.
  • Open pdf files without download.
  • Sharable file links.



  • python3.10 or greater is required!
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Setting up .env file

  • Create a Switch Bot and paste token as BOT_TOKEN
  • Login on my.telegram.org to get API_ID and API_HASH
  • TG_BOT_TOKEN: telegram bot token to use for files publically accessible.
  • WEB_SERVER_BIND_ADDRESS: address where the server is running
  • Create a firebase database, and store the admin file as service.json

Starting bot

python3 main.py

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