An updated version of the game Crystal Stacker for the modern OS.
- 1
Implement Game Over Screen
#12 opened by NewCreature - 1
Allow Control Configuration
#11 opened by NewCreature - 1
- 3
Implement High Score System
#8 opened by NewCreature - 1
Make "Choppy" Message Scroll Type
#13 opened by NewCreature - 0
Create Default Theme
#9 opened by NewCreature - 0
Implement Game Modes
#7 opened by NewCreature - 1
Add Repeat Movement
#5 opened by NewCreature - 1
- 1
Implement In-Game Messages
#6 opened by NewCreature - 4
Import Old Themes
#2 opened by NewCreature - 1
Create User Interface
#3 opened by NewCreature - 1
Load Stages with Partial Settings
#1 opened by NewCreature