Welcome to Body-Mass-Index-Calculator

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1. Abstract

This project aims: (I) Construct a mobile application, using Flutter and Dart, to calculate and show body mass index calcs results and classification according to the complementary material hosted by Federal University of Pelotas Click here to see that pdf material. (II) Develop graphical users interface (GUI) following user experience techniques, as splash screen, micro texts and complementary colors as gradient background and text. (III) Implement some method to validate form data inputed by users on keyboard, allowing just typed double data type.

Key-Words: Body-Mass-Index; BMI-classification; Form validation; Gradient;

2. Layout

This application layout was concepted thinking about User Experience (UX) Principals: micro text, typography using two differents fonts (Open Sans and Montserrat) and gradient. Some graphical resources don't was maked by the project author, as fonts and initial logo.

3. Dependencies, libraries or third-party resources

Flutter_localizations: Flutter sdk about localizations docs

BMI logo: Logo font link

Montserrat font: Montserrat download page

Open Sans: Open Sans download page

4. Body-Mass-Index (BMI)

You should no use this data processing to make decisions on real life. Please, consult doctors and health professionals to this. In general, Body Mass Index is used to verify the body development state and specific nutricionals informations about some person.

The math formula to calculates it is:

f(height, body-weight) = body-weight / (height²)

The height parameter must be entered using meters unity and the body-weight in Kilograms.

To learn or read more about BMI, it's recomended read:

Body mass index as a measure of body fatness: age- and sex-specific prediction formulas - Cambridge University Press The formula to calculate this was got at this link.

Proposed new body mass index corrected for fat mass through the use of bioimpedance - São Paulo University