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1. Abstract

The present repository contains simple algorithms wrotted using Python language. The initial idea was make quick start about that language. Here is eight ".py" files, named by exer-{some number}. To esily reference the algorithms, we call him just by number, for exemple, to say something about exer-1, the short documentation call this by 1. It solve some questions introduced by algorithms teacher, in Data Science course of Fatec Adamantina.

2. Algorithms description table

Alg Description
1 Arithmetic average of 5 numbers
2 Years old in days, hours, minutes and seconds
3 Convert Reais in American Dollars considering the currency buy value as const 5.50
4 Show the output of function f(x) = x² + 5x - 4
5 Show the division rest about two number
6 Calculates the sphere area
7 Show output of two specific functions, one this of first degree and outher third degree follow respective formules: f(x) = 2x + 1 and f(x) = x³ - 2x² + x - 1
8 Calculates the circle area