
Primary LanguageC++


A proxy-based multi-path transfer tool works as an application, deprecates mpflex-hsr.

Build & Install

Barely make && make install builds and installs m3. To uninstall, use make uninstall. By default, the executable files are installed to /usr/bin. You can specify some Makefile variables to configure your building/installing process.


    For make install, this overrides the default install path.

Note: Our makefile works with makedepend. make will not fail without makedepend, but file dependency may not be correctly handled in this way. For example, you may need to rebuild the project if some header files are modified.
If failed building for lacking of some tools/libraries, run the requirements.sh (with apt repo manager)

m3 Config File Format

m3 accepts a JSON script file as data input, the m3 program will then search for fields in that file to configure itself. In this program we are using (cJSON)[https://github.com/DaveGamble/cJSON] to parse JSON, so install this library before using.

We now describe the fields that we use for configuration below:

  • Fields

    Fields are members of the root JSON object in the script file. We have exactly two kinds of fields:

    • Critial Fields

      A m3 config file MUST contain all critical fields, or the program will refuse to execute.

    • Optional Fields

      A m3 config file MAY contain any optional fields, these fields come with a default value, value specified in the config file simply overwrites them.

    • Subfields

      We support the usage of nesting JSON objects in m3 config file. Subfields are members of JSON object fields. Like fields, subfields are also either critical or optional. The script below shows one field and two subfields:

              "Scheduler": "m3::RRScheduler",
              "OnACK": "m3::DumbTCPCallback"
    • Restrictions

      • You MUST NOT use null and empty objects as field value.
      • Custom Fields of type object MUST contain a string subfield named fieldClassName, which value is the C++ class name of that field.
      • If objects are contained by an array, all objects in such array MUST have same data structure. More precisely, correspond to same C++ class.
  • Reserved Words & Other Elements

    We are accepting redundant fields in m3 config files. Redundant fields are JSON fields that will not be parsed by m3 programs.

    Comments is a very useful feature not supported by the JSON standard, so we recommand users to use a trick to support it:

        "m3-portLen-comment": "Max number of ports used by m3 Proxy.",
        "m3-portLen": 4096

    To avoid name conflicts, we define all field names begin with m3- as reserved words, developer MUST NOT use these names for redundant fields in their config files to avoid unpredicted results. We gurantee that all other field names will never be used by us so feel free to leverage them for your own.

  • Custom Fields

    Developer can use custom fields to configure their own plugin/modules. To avoid potential naming issues, developer SHOULD use m3-pakname.fieldname to name their fields, where pakname is a standard Java package name.

    Custom fields MUST be defined to be either critical or optional. To solve the problem that some critical fields depends on some optional fields, for example, critical field m3-car.wheelcount depends on optional field m3-car.enable, define a optional field m3-car, and define its member wheelcount as critical.

Packet Filter

The packet filter offered in m3 (PacketFilter.cc/.hh) is based on GNU FLEX/BISON toolchain to parse the filter and generate grammar tree. This filter implemented a subset of BPF with restrictions shown below:

  • Only support TCP/UDP protocol qualifier
  • Only support host, net and port(range) qualifier
  • Do not support and parameter list e.g. tcp port A and B, please use tcp port A or tcp port B or tcp port A, B instead
  • Simply travel the grammar tree when filtering, the performance needs further tests