This is a ToDo list app, save all your pending tasks to remember, save all your memos and don't forget any important activity. Use this app as you ever you want.
- JavaScript ES6 Modules
- CSS3
- Webpack
- Babel
- Add a project (title and description)
- Click on the projects and add n number of tasks you want Note: All your task will be saved on the browser local storage
Deployed on GitHub Pages
Features we are going to add to this app:
- Work in the UX
- Add task filter dates (today, tomorrow and upcoming tasks)
👤 Bertil Tandayamo
- Github: @bertil291utn
- Twitter: @btandayamo
- LinkedIn: Bertil Tandayamo
👤 Jose Alfredo Cardenas
- Github: @Jose Alfredo
- Twitter: @J_A_fredo
- LinkedIn: Jose Alfredo Cardenas
We got inspired by this project in any do web page
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
If you got until here, show your love hitting the ⭐️ button, I'd really appreciate it.
This project is MIT licensed.