
Phone to 90s telephone button press converter in Haskell. Get out your RAZRs kids.

Primary LanguageHaskell



[[('*', 1), ('4', 2)] , [('3', 2)], [('5', 3)], [('5', 3)], [('6', 3)]]

Phone to 90s telephone button press converter in Haskell. Get out your RAZRs kids.

Remember Old School Texting?

This was one of the more interesting Challenges from the excellent Haskell Programming from First Principles by Christopher Allen and Julie Moronuki.

Taken from chapter 11, Algebraic Data Types, the challenge was to create custom datatypes and use them to convert a teenage cellphone conversation into its respective ButtonActions (Digit, Press).

As a lover of Haskell and former teenaged RAZR owner, I couldn't resist this challenge.

convoBreakDowner myPhone readMe 

