
Simple. Fast. Visual. Course Planning for Northwestern University.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Simple. Fast. Visual. Course Planning for Northwestern University.

Current Status

The new Serif.nu was released on Feb. 6th 2017 and currently resides at https://serif.nu.

This repository is a complete rebuild of the previous application, Serif.


Serif.nu is a course scheduler for Northwestern University, designed to make your registration week easy and painless. No more drawing it out on paper, no more clunky spreadsheets. Draft up a dream schedule (or four) before you register.

Serif.nu is built with React, React Router, and Redux, compiled with webpack, and run on Node.js with express. It also utilizes Immutable.js, FullCalendar with the material design theme, and Material UI.


git clone https://github.com/Joonpark13/serif.nu.git
npm install

Bulding and Running Locally

For development, run:

npm run dev

For a production build, run

npm run build
npm start


The data is stored in static json files under app/data. Conceptually, there are 5 different hierarchical levels (from highest to lowest): terms, schools, subjects, courses, and sections. They are described in more detail below. Strucurally, they are stored as such:

+-- terms.json
+-- 4650/
	+-- schools.json
	+-- subjects.json
	+-- courses.json
	+-- sections.json
+-- 4640/
	+-- schools.json
	+-- subjects.json
	+-- courses.json
	+-- sections.json
+-- 4630/
	+-- schools.json
	+-- subjects.json
	+-- courses.json
	+-- sections.json
+-- etc...

There is a terms.json file containing a list of objects describing each of the terms at the root of the data directory. The directory also contains a subdirectory for each of the terms, which in turn contain schools.json, subjects.json, courses.json, and sections.json files that hold all of the relevant data for each level.


terms.json contains an array of term objects. Each term object is formatted as such:

	"term": "Fall 2016",
	"acadyear": "2016-2017",
	"id": "4640",
	"start": "2016-09-20",
	"end": "2016-12-03"

and represents an academic term, also known as a 'quarter'. The unique identifier of a term object is its id.


Each schools.json file contains an array of all school objects for the term under which this file is nested. Each school object is formatted as such:

	"id": "MUSIC",
	"name": "Bienen School of Music"

and represents a school within the university. The unique identifier of a school object is its id. However, a school object is unique only within its corresponding term (Ex: both term 4650 and 4640 have a school object with the id of WCAS).


Each subjects.json file contains an array of all subject objects for the term under which this file is nested. Each subject object is formatted as such:

	"abbv": "HISTORY",
	"school": "WCAS",
	"name": "History"

and represents a subject, also distinguished as separate departments. The unique identifier of a subject object is its abbv. A subject object is unique only within its corresponding school.


Each courses.json file contains an array of all course objects for the term under which this file is nested. Each course object is formatted as such:

	"abbv": "200-0",
	"school": "WCAS",
	"subject": "HISTORY",
	"name": "New Introductory Courses in History"

and represents a course. The unique identifier of a course is its abbv. A course object is unique only within its corresponding subject.


Each sections.json file contains an array of all section objects for the term under which this file is nested. Each section object is formatted as such:

	"school": "WCAS",
	"overview_of_class": "In this course we will explore the life and times of Alexander Hamilton...",
	"name": "New Introductory Courses in History",
	"section": "1",
	"location": "Leverone Auditorium Owen Coon",
	"topic": "Hamilton's America",
	"course": "200-0",
	"meeting_time": [
		"MoWeFr 2:00PM - 2:50PM"
	"instructor": [
		"Geraldo L Cadava",
		"Caitlin Annette Fitz"
	"class_attributes": "Historical Studies Distro Area",
	"id": "25651",
	"subject": "HISTORY"

and represents a section. A section is the most accurate representation of what students conceptualize as "a class". When a student registers for a class on CAESAR, they are signing up for a section. These are also the objects that become added to the calendar on Serif.nu. The unique identifier of a section is its id. A section object is unique only within its corresponding course.

State Store

Serif.nu's state is managed by Redux. Redux is a Flux implementation that is often used together with React, with its core principle being that the entire state of the application is stored inside an object tree called the store. By only allowing the modification of state through actions, the state of the application becomes much easier to handle. The actions are fed to a reducer, which is just a pure function of the action and state. Since redux forbids modification of state objects and instead requires the return of a new copy of the object for every action, we use a combination of jquery's extend with the deep parameter set to true and Immutable.js. Immutable.js is implemented currently only for the calendar and the snackbar portions of the state, and the rest use jquery's extend, or in many cases, simply manualy return a new object. Since the reducer is split (see app/reducers), this is not difficult to manage on many occasions.

The complete store is composed as such:

		A nested object containing state that governs the Browse tab.
		See `app/reducers/browse.js` for more info.
		A nested object containing state that governs the Search tab.
		See `app/reducers/search.js` for more info.
		An Immutable.js nested Map object, see `app/reducers/calendar.js`
		for more info. This state is saved to localStorage.
		A nested object containing state that governs the Cart tab.
		See `app/reducers/cart.js` for more info.
	selectingComponent: bool, default: false.
		Indicates whether the user is currently in the process of
		selecing a component.
	tabState: string, default: 'search'
		Can be one of three options: 'search', 'browse', or 'cart'.
		Indicates the currently viewed tab.
	firstVisit: bool, default: false
		Indicates whether this is the user's first visit to the site.
		This state is saved to localStorage.
		A nested object containing the current term id, as well as
		the data for the current term. See `app/reducers/term.js` for
		more info.
	snackbar: {
		open: bool, default: false
			Represents the state of the notification snackbar that
			appears on the bottom of the screen after relevant actions
			are triggered by the user.
		message: string, default: ''
			Contains the message displayed to the user inside the


Serif.nu is able to maintain user schedules even if the user closes and re-opens the website. This is because the calendar section of the state is stored in the browser's localStorage using redux-localstorage. See the implementation in app/store.js.