
Council Member District Information

Primary LanguagePython

NYC City Council District and Council Member Information

Council Member District Information

District Data

The Commands:

  1. While in the district_data directory, run python districts.py convert.
    • This command will create the single_district_json and single_district_geojson directories if they do not exist.
    • It will also create the CSV source file (downloading it from a Google Sheet) if it does not exist.
    • Finally, the command will convert the CSV to a JSON file.
  2. python districts.py legistar will merge the master JSON file with the following datasets from Legistar:
    • Person data - personal and contact information for each council member.
    • Committee data - all committees the council member is on during the current session.
  3. python districts.py json will do the following:
    • Merge GeoJSON data from City Planning to the master JSON file.
    • Create separate files for each district in the single_district_json directory.
  4. python districts.py geojson will do the reverse of Step 3:
    • Merge the master JSON file with the GeoJSON from City Planning
    • Create separate files for each district in the single_district_geojson directory.
  5. python districts.py no_geo create a JSON file similar to cm_master_file.json, but will not include GeoJSON data:
  6. python districts.py check will just confirm that there are 51 objects in the JSON and GeoJSON.

NOTE: Each command is dependent on the previous command as it assumes the files made from previous commands exist.

Coming Soon

  • Script will prompt you for the GeoJSON URL so that everything will be dynamic.