
live demo of Keycloak authentication

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Live demo for authentication


  • Keycloak for authentication
  • React for client usecase
  • OPA for service token signitaure verify usecase

    not recommend using OPA to do http request inside, just for examplify


Quick start

step 1. service up

cd images/
# run keycloak, react, and opa
# using nginx proxy them to http://localhost 
docker-compose up

step 2. authentication

visit http://localhost/

login info:

  • name: myuser
  • pwd: myuser

will show token info in the page after pass authentication

see code in src/KeycloakProvider.tsx

step 3. token verify

visit http://localhost/verify

after authentication, will using access_token to request OPA verify api, which show the normal process of token verification.

(just using the token's issuer configration.)

see code in images/opa/verify.rego

Related technical concepts


OAuth, OpenID Connect, and SAML

What’s the Difference Between OAuth, OpenID Connect, and SAML?

OpenID Connect (oidc)

more details in: openid.net

Oauth 2.0


more details in: oauth.net

Authentication vs. Authorization

Authentication vs. Authorization

more details in Authentication vs. Authorization

Standard flow with PKCE


more details in: OAuth 2.0: Implicit Flow is Dead, Try PKCE Instead