
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Benchmarking the robustness of Spatial-Temporal Models

This repositery contains the code for NeurIPs Benchmark and Dataset Track 2021 paper - Benchmarking the Robustness of Spatial-Temporal Models Against Corruptions.

Python 2.7 and 3.7, Pytorch 1.7+, FFmpeg are required.


pip3 install - requirements.txt

Mini Kinetics-C

image info

Download original Kinetics400 from link.

The Mini Kinetics-C contains half of the classes in Kinetics400. All the classes can be found in mini-kinetics-200-classes.txt.

Mini Kinetics-C Leaderboard

Corruption robustness of spatial-temporal models trained on clean Mini Kinetics and evaluated on Mini Kinetics-C.

Approach Reference Backbone Input Length Sampling Method Clean Accuracy mPC rPC
TimeSformer Gedas et al. Transformer 32 Uniform 82.2 71.4 86.9
3D ResNet K. Hara et al. ResNet-50 32 Uniform 73.0 59.2 81.1
I3D J. Carreira et al. InceptionV1 32 Uniform 70.5 57.7 81.8
SlowFast 8x4 C. Feichtenhofer at al. ResNet-50 32 Uniform 69.2 54.3 78.5
3D ResNet K. Hara et al. ResNet-18 32 Uniform 66.2 53.3 80.5
TAM Q.Fan et al. ResNet-50 32 Uniform 66.9 50.8 75.9
X3D-M C. Feichtenhofer ResNet-50 32 Uniform 62.6 48.6 77.6

For fair comparison, it is recommended to submit the result of approach which follows the following settings: Backbone of ResNet-50, Input Length of 32, Uniform Sampling at Clip Level. Any result on our benchmark can be submitted via pull request.

Mini SSV2-C

image info

Download original Something-Something-V2 datset from link.

The Mini SSV2-C contains half of the classes in Something-Something-V2. All the classes can be found in mini-ssv2-87-classes.txt.

Mini SSV2-C Leaderboard

Corruption robustness of spatial-temporal models trained on clean Mini SSV2 and evaluated on Mini SSV2-C.

Approach Reference Backbone Input Length Sampling Method Clean Accuracy mPC rPC
TimeSformer Gedas et al. Transformer 16 Uniform 60.5 49.7 82.1
I3D J. Carreira et al. InceptionV1 32 Uniform 58.5 47.8 81.7
3D ResNet K. Hara et al. ResNet-50 32 Uniform 57.4 46.6 81.2
TAM Q.Fan et al. ResNet-50 32 Uniform 61.8 45.7 73.9
3D ResNet K. Hara et al. ResNet-18 32 Uniform 53.0 42.6 80.3
X3D-M C. Feichtenhofer ResNet-50 32 Uniform 49.9 40.7 81.6
SlowFast 8x4 C. Feichtenhofer at al. ResNet-50 32 Uniform 48.7 38.4 78.8

For fair comparison, it is recommended to submit the result of approach which follows the following settings: Backbone of ResNet-50, Input Length of 32, Uniform Sampling at Clip Level. Any result on our benchmark can be submitted via pull request.

Training and Evaluation

To help researchers reproduce the benchmark results provided in our leaderboard, we include a simple framework for training and evaluating the spatial-temporal models in the folder: benchmark_framework.

Running the code

Assume the structure of data directories is the following:

        .../ (directories of class names)
          ...(hdf5 file containing video frames)
      .../ (directories of corruption names)
        .../ (directories of severity level)
          .../ (directories of class names)
            ...(hdf5 file containing video frames)

Train I3D on the Mini Kinetics dataset with 4 GPUs and 16 CPU threads (for data loading). The input lenght is 32, the batch size is 32 and learning rate is 0.01.

python3 train.py --threed_data --dataset mini_kinetics400 --frames_per_group 1 --groups 32 --logdir snapshots/ \
--lr 0.01 --backbone_net i3d -b 32 -j 16 --cuda 0,1,2,3

Test I3D on the Mini Kinetics-C dataset (pretrained model is loaded)

python3 test_corruption.py --threed_data --dataset mini_kinetics400 --frames_per_group 1 --groups 32 --logdir snapshots/ \
--pretrained snapshots/mini_kinetics400-rgb-i3d_v2-ts-max-f32-cosine-bs32-e50-v1/model_best.pth.tar --backbone_net i3d -b 32 -j 16 -e --cuda 0,1,2,3