Check out our demonstration website.
The VGI API is written in FastAPI and run in production via Azure Functions.
The project directory contains the following folders
is the VGI API (a python package).
is the Azure Function App which runs vgi_api
in production.
If you're on Windows and don't have Node.js installed, you can install it from here The Node.js installer includes the NPM package manager.
npm install
npm run serve
You can change the API endpoint by altering .env.development which defaults to
This assumes you are running the API server locally, which you can do with:
cd vgi_api && poetry run uvicorn vgi_api:app --reload --port 8000
If you want to use the production API (i.e. on Azure) change the contents of .env.development to match that in .env.production.
npm run build
npm run lint