
A custom Helm Chart to create scheduled execution of your own MongoDB queries

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Welcome to the MONGO Query Scheduler Project!

MONGO Query Scheduler is a utility service that allows to run custom MongoDB queries and save the output in JSON format. It can be run directly as a Docker Container or installed via HELM on a Kubernetes cluster as a cronjob to create a recurrent scheduled run, it also gives the possiblity to upload to a GCP bucket for retention.

Possible use cases:

  • Run a query and save output on a remote MongoDB isntance without having to use a GUI/shell and/or connect to the server to manipulate output files
  • Schedule runs to retrieve data on a regular base (e.g Daily Reports)

The solution has been designed to allow to customize the build in order to better fit different use cases and to allow to schedule multiple different queries, both in docket and k8s

Getting Started

For Docker Usage:

under /app/queries you can copy your own predefined queries in Python format, the pipeline file is the default one which is read at execution if no other filename is passed through env variable. In this moment the pipeline file contain a basic aggregation query which counts the number of documents and sort them in ascending order. There are also other two example pipeline which can be used on the MongoDB Atlas Sample Dataset, which is available also on the free tier. They are movies and restaurants, respectively usable for collection movies on db sample_mflix and on collection restaurants on db sample_restaurants.

To create the container image run:

docker build . -f dockerfiles/dockerfile-mongo-query-executor -t mongo-query-executor:0.0.1

To start your container you need three basic informations:

Variable Description
MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING the connection string to your existent MongoDB installation and the DB you want to use
MONGO_COLLECTION The collection where your data are stored
USE_PIPELINE_FROM If you want to use a local pipeline or pass it via variable, possible values are file and env. If you choose file and not pass any specific

then run the following command:

docker run -e MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING="mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@cluster0.YOUR_CLUSER.mongodb.net/YOUR_DB?retryWrites=true&w=majority" -e MONGO_COLLECTION="YOUR_COLLECTION" -e USE_PIPELINE_FROM="file" mongo-query-executor:0.0.1

This will create a local file /app/result_YOUR_COLLECTION_YY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.json with the number of documents sorted in ascending order.

Other Variable available for Docker execution are

Variable Description
PIPELINE_QUERY When you set to env the variable USE_PIPELINE_FROM you can pass here your custom pipeline in Python format
PIPELINE_FILENAME If you included in your docker build custom defined queries under /app/queries folder you can specify the one to be used
OVERRIDE_NAME set a custom name to chart and output file: useful fom different queries from the same collection, otherwise the MONGO_COLLECTION value is used
GCP_BUCKET_NAME the GCP bucket name to upload data
GCP_BUCKET_FOLDER The specific subfolder to upload to

An example for an execution which runs the movies pipeline from file on a remote Atlas instance is:

docker run -e MONGO_COLLECTION="wcm.Stories"  -e MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING="mongodb+srv://test_user:PASSWORD@cluster0.CLUSTER.mongodb.net/sample_mflix?retryWrites=true&w=majority" -e USE_PIPELINE_FROM="file" -e PIPELINE_FILENAME="movies" mongoquery:0.0.1

An example for an execution which runs the movies pipeline from env variable on a remote Atlas instance is:

docker run -e MONGO_COLLECTION="wcm.Stories"  -e MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING="mongodb+srv://test_user:PASSWORD@cluster0.CLUSTER.mongodb.net/sample_mflix?retryWrites=true&w=majority" -e USE_PIPELINE_FROM="env" -e PIPELINE_QUERY="[ { '$group': { '_id': '$_id', 'count': { '$sum': 1 } } }, { '$sort': { 'count': 1 } }, { '$limit': 10 } ]" mongoquery:0.0.1

For K8S Usage with Helm:

The list of needed values to run the installation of the Mongo Query Scheduler Helm chart is the following one

Variable Description
tenant (required) a unique identifier for the project you are working on
environment (required) a unique identifier for the environment you are working on
schedule (required) the scheduled toime for your cron execution
image_tag (required) the url of your docker registry where to find the image
MongoDbConnectionString (required) the connection string to your existent MongoDB installation and the DB you want to use
mongodbCollection (required) The collection where your data are stored
usePipelineFrom (required) If you want to use a local pipeline or pass it via variable, possible values are file and env. If you choose file and not pass any specific filename, default pipeline file will be used (filled with the same data of the env)
suspend If set to "true" it stops the execution of the cronjob. Default Value is "false"
overrideName set a custom name to chart and output file: useful fom different queries from the same collection, otherwise the mongodbCollection value is used
pipelineFilename If you included in your docker build custom defined queries under /app/queries folder you can specify the one to be used
gcpBucketName the GCP bucket name to upload data
gcpBucketFolder The specific subfolder to upload to

Inside the repository there are already two example values file which can be used on the same MongoDB Atlas Sample Dataset, available also on the free tier. They are value_movies.yaml and values_restaurants.yaml, respectively usable for collection movies on db sample_mflix and on collection restaurants on db sample_restaurants.

To install them inside an existing K8S cluster you just have to add the specific information required for your setup in the values files, navigate the folder and run the following HELM command (the name of the release can be any relevant one for you):

helm upgrade --install my-awesome-movie-report . -f values_movies.yaml -n my-namespace
helm upgrade --install my-awesome-restaurant-report . -f values_restaurants.yaml -n my-namespace


Our project welcomes contributions from any member of our community. To get started contributing, please see our Contributor Guide.


In Scope

MONGO Query Scheduler is intended to ease the extraction of data on a regular base from MongoDB instance. It can be run as a docker container or as a cronjob inside K8s to adapt to different scenario. As such, the project has implemented:

  • Connection to existing MongoDB instance both on premises on cloud and execute query in standard Python format
  • Saving of data on file in JSON format including a standard date format to ease output retention (Format YY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS)
  • The possibility to automatically upload the output file on a GCP bucket
  • The possibility to save and recall queries directly inside the image or pass them at execution level
  • The possibility to define a cron rotation and eventually suspend it without the need to disinstall

In addition to that other features are actually under development:

  • Adding different type of external repository for files (such AWS, Azure, external volumes)
  • For the HELM chart the possibility to define several queries in the same configmap and map them dinamically as volumes
  • The possibility to export data in CSV by passing custom Python function to map data

Out of Scope

MONGO Query Scheduler is not intended to migrate and/or sync data between instances, but to ease the extraction of data on regular base. The following specific functionality will therefore not be incorporated:

  • Data Migration between MongoDB instances
  • Data import to MongoDB instances


This project is licensed under the Apache license


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