
10 common algorithms we would likely encounter in real life. Lets improve our logic and programming skills. showing a clear and concise explanations of how these different algorithms work.


10 common algorithms we would likely encounter in real life. Lets improve our logic and programming skills. showing a clear and concise explanations of how these different algorithms work.

Table of Contents

  1. Algorithm Question 3: No Repeats Please

  2. Algorithm Question 4: Pairwise

Algorithm Question 3: No Repeats Please

Problem Description

Return the number of total permutations of the provided string that don't have repeated consecutive letters. Assume that all characters in the provided string are each unique.

Problem Breakdown


To solve this problem, we need to generate all permutations of the given string. A permutation is an arrangement of the characters in a string. For example, the permutations of "abc" are: 'abc', 'bac', 'bca', 'acb', 'cab', 'cba'.
This means 1 x 2 x 3 = 6 permutations
"c" has only 1 slot
"b" has choice of 2 slot
"a" has choice of 3 slot

"c"      |         "b"       |       "a"
         |                   |
"c"      |         "bc"      |       "abc"
         |                   |       "bac"
         |                   |       "bca"
         |         "cb"      |       "acb"
         |                   |       "cab"
         |                   |       "cba"

permutation([""], "c")          // ["c"]
permutation(["c"], "b")         // ["bc", "cb"]
permutation(["bc", "cb"], "a")  //[ 'abc', 'bac', 'bca', 'acb', 'cab', 'cba' ]


  1. We will generate all possible permutations of the input string.
  2. We will filter out permutations that have consecutive repeated letters.

Key Function

The key to our solution is the getPermutation function. It generates all permutations recursively by taking the first character and inserting it at different positions in the permutations of the rest of the string.

function getPermutation(str) {
  if (str.length == 0) return [""];
  let new_char = str[0];
  let current_permutation = getPermutation(str.slice(1));
  let new_permutation = []
  for (let perm of current_permutation){
    for (let i=0; i<=perm.length; i++){
      let new_perm = perm.slice(0, i) + new_char + perm.slice(i)

  return new_permutation;

Check for Consecutive Letters

We use the hasConsecutiveLetters function to check if a permutation has consecutive repeated letters.

function hasConsecutiveLetters(str) {
  for (let i=0; i<str.length-1; i++){
      if (str[i] == str[i+1]) return true;
  return false

Problem TestCases

Here are some example calls to the permAlone function with different input strings:

permAlone("aab")    // Returns 2
permAlone("aaa")    // Returns 0
permAlone("aabb")   // Returns 8
permAlone("abcdefa") // Returns 3600
permAlone("abfdefa") // Returns 2640
permAlone("zzzzzzzz") // Returns 0
permAlone("a")      // Returns 1
permAlone("aaab")   // Returns 0
permAlone("aaabb")  // Returns 12

Algorithm Question 4: Pairwise

Problem Description

Given an array arr, find element pairs whose sum equals the second argument arg and return the sum of their indices. You may use multiple pairs that have the same numeric elements but different indices. Once an element has been used, it cannot be reused to pair with another element. Each pair should use the lowest possible available indices.

Problem Breakdown

Following the question, we have four major tasks:

  1. Find a pair (a, b)
  2. Validate the pair
  3. Utilize the pair
  4. Eliminate the pair

Approach 1 (O(n^2))

We loop through each item in the array, taking it as one of the pairs (a). Then, we loop through each item in the array again to find the other item of the pair (b). We check if the pair is valid and eliminate it by marking a & b as null in the array.
A valid pair passes this test:

  • a has not been paired with another
  • b has not been paired with another
  • a has a different index from b
  • a + b = arg

Implementation Steps

  1. Initialization:

    • Initialize a variable sum to keep track of the total sum of indices:
       let sum = 0;
  2. Pair Search - First Loop:

    • Loop through the array to find the first element of a pair, which we'll call a.
       for (let aIndex = 0; aIndex < arr.length; aIndex++) {
  3. Pair Validation - a:

    • Ensure that a is not already part of a pair (a != null).
       let a = arr[aIndex];
       if (a === null) continue;
  4. Pair Search - Second Loop:

    • Start a nested loop to find the second element of a pair, which we'll call b.
       for (let bIndex = 0; bIndex < arr.length; bIndex++) {
  5. Pair Validation - b:

    • Validate the pair (a, b) by checking:
      • a and b are not the same value (aIndex !== bIndex).
      • b is not already in a pair (arr[bIndex] != null).
      • The sum of a and b equals the target value arg.
       let b = arr[bIndex];
       if (aIndex !== bIndex && b !== null && a + b === arg) {
  6. Utilize Valid Pair:

    • If a valid pair is found, add the indices of a and b to the sum variable.
       sum += aIndex + bIndex;
  7. Pair Elimination:

    • Eliminate the valid pair by setting their corresponding elements in the array to null.
       arr[aIndex] = null;
       arr[bIndex] = null;
  8. Next Pair:

    • After a valid pair is found, utilized & eliminated, we no longer continue the second loop.
  9. Return the Accumulated Sum:

    • Return the sum.
       return sum;

Approach 2 (O(n))

  1. Selecting Pairs:

    • We take an element from the arr, let's call it a.
    • We find its complement, let's call it b, such that b = arg - a.
    • We now have a pair (a, b).
  2. Validating Pairs:

    • To determine if the pair is valid, we check if b is in arr.
    • It's crucial to ensure that b is within the array arr.
    • There might be duplicate instances of b in the array with the same numeric value but different indices.
    • Our goal is to select the smallest b based on its position in the array.
    • Additionally, we need to confirm that the chosen b has not been previously paired with another element.
    • Keep in mind that the search for b considers that a is effectively removed from the array. If a and b have the same numeric value, a valid pair should have distinct indices.
  3. Optimizing Pair Search with a New Data Structure:

    • To optimize the search for the complement b and achieve O(1) complexity, we create a new data structure arrNew from arr.
    • arrNew is an object where keys represent unique values in the array, and each key has associated information.
    • Example:
      arr = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
      arrNew = { 
        '0': {
          indices: [0, 1, 2, 3],
          pointer: 0
        '1': {
          indices: [4, 5],
          pointer: 0 
    • In this example, '0' and '1' are keys representing unique values in the array.
    • indices: [0, 1, 2, 3] indicates the indices of occurrences for each value ('0' or '1').
    • pointer: 0 is a pointer to the index that is free to use. If the pointer increases to 1, that means the index 0 has been used in a pair, and the next available version is at index 1.

Implementation Steps

  1. Initialization:

    • Initialize a variable sum to 0:
       let sum = 0;
  2. Object a New Datastructure:

    • Create arrNew from arr to efficiently track indices.
       let arrNew = {};
       arr.forEach((item, index)=>{
         if (arrNew[item]) arrNew[item].indices.push(index);
         else arrNew[item] = {indices: [index], pointer: 0]};
  3. Inspect each element in the Initial Data Structure:

    • Iterate through each element a in the array arr.
       for (let a of arr){
  4. Compute the Complement b:

    • Compute b = arg - a.
  5. Retrieve b Information & Retrieve a Information:

    • If b is a key in arrNew, get the indices of b and its pointer & get the indices of a and its pointer.
       if (arrNew[b]){
         const bIndices = arrNew[b].indices;
         let bPointer = arrNew[b].pointer;
         const aIndices = arrNew[a].indices;
         let aPointer = arrNew[a].pointer;
  6. Handle Edge Case:

    • If b and a have the same numeric value, adjust the pointer for b to avoid using the same index.
       if (b === a) bPointer = bPointer + 1;
  7. Check Availability:

    • Ensure there are available indices for both a and b.
       if (aPointer < aIndices.length && bPointer < bIndices.length){
  8. Pairing and Update:

    • If available, add both indices to the global sum variable and update pointers for both a and b.
       sum += aIndices[aPointer] + bIndices[bPointer];
       arrNew[a].pointer += 1;
       arrNew[b].pointer += 1;

Problem TestCases

Here are some example calls to the pairwise function with different input arrays:

pairwise([1, 1, 2], 3);  // Returns 1
pairwise([1, 3, 2, 4], 4);  // Returns 1