
This is a web app that displays a list of all news sources. Built with flask framework and uses a News API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a web app that displays a list of all news sources. Built with flask framework and uses a News API

Built by Newton Bii


This is an app that users can view various international news sources and select one. They can also read all the articles from a particular news source they select.

User Specification

  • Landing page has a list of all the news sources available and a brief description of each source.
  • The news sources are listed alphabetically.
  • Users are able to click on each news source and get alistof all the articles of that particular news source.
  • A user can read that particular news item from the source directly.

SetUp / Installation Requirements

Source Code and development.

  • Ensure you have python installed.
  • Ensure you have an API key from NEWS API to be able to make requests.
  • In the cloned project, inside the root directory, create a directory and name it virtual.
  • From the terminal run python3.6 -m venv virtual to create a virtual environment.
  • Switch to the virtual environment by entering source virtual/bin/activate from the terminal.
  • Run python manage.py server and open localhost:5000 in your browser to view the app.
  • Now you can play around with the code and see the changes in the browser.

Technologies Used

  • Python3.6
  • Flask
  • News API


MIT ©2017 Newton Bii