Nexd Android App

Android CI


In order to build the application following Gradle command can be used:

./gradlew assembleDebug

You can also simply use Android Studio to build, debug and test the project.

Api client

Api client is being generated by using OpenAPI Generator and the OpenAPI Generator Gradle Plugin and should not be modified by hand. The configuration is included in the root build.gradle file.

Swagger Api documentaion used for generation is available here.

Use following command to trigger a new generation (if e.g. api has changed):

./gradlew generateApiClient

Please optimize imports on the :api module after a fresh client generation.


The code is structured based on MVVM architeccture and clean architecture with the goal of easier testability and maintainablity.

Core technologies and architectures

Used libraries


We are using POEditor for localization management. Newly introduced strings have to be provided there and after that an automatic push has to be triggered. Contact andre-stefanov for further details.

Continous integration/delivery

Github actions are used as CI/CD.