Indian English audio data captured by mobile phones, 1,012 hours in total, recorded by 2,100 Indian native speakers. The recorded text is designed by linguistic experts, covering generic, interactive, on-board, home and other categories. The text has been proofread manually with high accuracy; this data set can be used for automatic speech recognition, machine translation, and voiceprint recognition.
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16kHz, 16bit, uncompressed wav, mono channel
quiet indoor environment, low background noise, without echo
generic category; human-machine interaction category; smart home command and control category; in-car command and control category; numbers
2,100 speakers totally, with 52% males and 48% females; and 81% speakers of all are in the age group of 18-25,18% speakers of all are in the age group of 26-45, 1% speakers of all are in the age group of 46-60
Android mobile phone, iPhone
India English
speech recognition, voiceprint recognition
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