NexentaEdge Plugin for Docker Volumes


This plugin provides the ability to use NexentaEdge Clusters as backend devices in a Docker environment over nbd protocol.



Get Go

You will need to make sure you've added the $GOPATH/bin to your path, AND on Ubuntu you will also need to enable the use of the GO Bin path by sudo; either run visudo and edit, or provide an alias in your .bashrc file.

You need to pre-create a folder for the GO code. For example in your .bashrc set the following alias after setting up PATH:

export GOPATH=<your GO folder>
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin/
alias sudo='sudo env PATH=$PATH'

Source .bashrc to update variables

  source .bashrc


  apt-get install gcc

NOTE: Should be run as root and command may differ depending on your OS.


You can find instructions and steps on the Docker website here: Get Docker

Driver Installation

After the above Prerequisites are met, clone repository and use the Makefile:

git clone
cd nedge-docker-volume

In addition to providing the source, this should also build and install the ndvol binary in your Golang bin directory.


Example config file can be found here:

Default path to config file is


Starting/stopping the daemon

After install and setting up the configuration file, start the nexenta-docker-driver daemon

sudo ndvol daemon start -v

To stop the daemon

sudo ndvol daemon stop

Usage Examples

Now that the daemon is running, you're ready to issue calls via the Docker Volume API and have the requests serviced by the NexentaEdge Driver.

For a list of avaialable commands run:

docker volume --help

Here's an example of how to create a Nexenta volume using the Docker Volume API:

docker volume create -d ndvol --name=testvolume -o size=1GB -o repCount=2 -o ratelim=1000

Now in order to use that volume with a Container you simply specify

docker run -v testvolume:/Data --volume-driver=ndvol -i -t ubuntu

Note that if you had NOT created the volume already, Docker will issue the create call to the driver for you while launching the container. The Driver create method checks the Nexenta backend to see if the Volume already exists, if it does it just passes back the info for the existing volume, otherwise it runs through the create process and creates the Volume on the Nexenta backend.