
Convert HTML string to JSX syntax

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Nexo html2jsx

The Nexo html2jsx Converter is an npm package designed to facilitate the conversion of HTML strings into JSX syntax. It provides a versatile toolset for developers working with HTML-based content who need to integrate it seamlessly into React applications.


  • Conversion: Convert HTML strings into JSX syntax, preserving structure and attributes.
  • Customization: Configure the conversion process with options for component creation, indentation, and comment handling.
  • Style Parsing: Automatically convert CSS styles into JSX-compatible format.
  • DOM Environment: Utilize the JSDOM package to create a lightweight DOM environment in Node.js for conversion.


To install the Nexo html2jsx, simply run:

npm i nexo-html2jsx


import HTMLtoJSX, { configType } from 'nexo-html2jsx';

// Configure conversion options
const config: configType = {
    createClass: true,
    outputComponentName: 'MyComponent',
    indent: '\t',
    hideComment: false,
    createFunction: false
// Initialize HTML to JSX converter
const converter = htmlToJsx(createElement);

// Convert HTML string to JSX
const jsxString = converter(config).convert('<div class="example">Hello, World!</div>');


Configuration Options

  • createClass: Set to true to create a React class component, or false to create a function component. Default is false.
  • outputComponentName: Specify the name of the output component. Default is 'MyNexoComponent'.
  • indent: Choose the indentation style for the generated JSX code. Default is '\t'.
  • hideComment: Set to true to hide HTML comments in the converted JSX. Default is false.
  • createFunction: Set to true to create a function component, or false to create a class component. Default is true.


If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue on GitHub.