
The main purpose of this project is to serve as a straightforward RWKV API usage example. Its architecture is extremely simple, making it easy even for programming novices to understand how to develop RWKV programs simply by examining function names and comments.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


中文请看 README_CN.md.

Project Introduction

The main purpose of this project is to serve as a simple example of using the RWKV API. The architecture is extremely simple, even non-programmers can understand how to develop a RWKV program through AI.



File Description

  • main.py: The main program of the project.
  • mainth.py: A multithreaded version of the main program.
  • workflow.jpg: This is the workflow diagram of the project, which can help you understand the workflow of the program.
  • requirements.txt: This is a text file containing the Python packages required by the project.

Installation and Running the Program

  1. First, you need to install the dependencies of the project. Run the following command in your terminal:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Enter main.py or mainth.py, configure the reference file path, the output file path, and the article topic,Run main.py:

    python main.py

    Or, if you want to run the multithreaded version of the program, you can run mainth.py:

    python mainth.py


  • Simple architecture, lightweight, no need to configure vector libraries and other troublesome things, can run on very low configurations.


  • Very slow, it uses some ideas to replace the vector library with language models, so...

For the Chinese version of this README, please refer to README_CN.md.