
Gearswap LUA's

Primary LanguageLua


Gearswap LUA's
Ninja.lua - Normal Ninja lua for most End Game Situations
NinjaMal.lua - Same as Ninja.lua but with Malignance swapped in for Kendatsuba for extra Magic Evasion
NinjaTank.lua - Same as Ninja.lua but with Combination Malignance/Mpaca Set. This set is for tanking large amounts of mobs.
NinjaP.lua - Normal Ninja lua but setup for a Capped Party setup.
NinjaDDT.lua - Setup that ignores all defensive stats and goes for only DPS. Trust buffs expected.
NinjaDDP.lua - Setup that ignores all defensive stats and goes for only DPS. Capped party buffs expected.
Red Mage.lua - Normal Red Mage lua for most End Game Situations
Red Mage DD.lua - DD Setup for Red Mage that ignores Defense.
Summoner.lua - Summoner lua. Note using this Summoner.lua often has issues in high lag area's like Reis.