
What is idea behind this project

The idea is:

  1. The idea is to stop the trasmistion by prioritizing test and heans detecting the cases quickly
  2. we collecting data. that data represent the what are the covid-19 symptoms and based on that we creat the a Machine larning model is then trained on the data to find out the probability of a person having infection.
  3. we fillup the form and then we prdicting what is percentage of having infication if the infication percentag is grater than 70 to 95 then we consider that person need to testing first
  4. The model is used to find out whom to test for the infection first under a limited testing capacity.


in this project we genrating the randome dataset so that why our accuracy may be not so good but if goverment providing data then this project is fir on.


  1. Python version> 3.0
  2. pandas
  3. numpy
  4. sklear
  5. pickle