
Next on Rails is an open-source CLI tool that makes it easy for developers to combine the power of both Next.js and Ruby on Rails.

MIT LicenseMIT

Next on Rails

!! IMPORTANT !! This is just an abstract to get validation and feedback, the tool is still to be developed…

Next on Rails is an open-source CLI tool that makes it easy for developers to combine the power of both Next.js and Ruby on Rails.

We make use of sensible defaults, which can be easily modified to suit your project, and give you the option of using Tailwind CSS and pre-configured OAuth authentication (based on Doorkeeper and Nextauth.js) to get you up and running straight away.

Why Next on Rails?

We created Next on Rails with the goal of bridging the gap between the Rails and React communities. By combining the powerful frontend capabilities of React and Next.js, with the robust backend functionality of Ruby on Rails, we aim to provide developers with the best parts of both communities without having to wade through hours of convoluted tutorials and sparse documentation.

Next.js - Frontend

Next.js is a popular React framework that provides a powerful and efficient way to build server-side rendered (SSR) and static websites. Advantages:

  • Server-side rendering for improved performance and SEO.
  • Automatic code splitting for optimised loading times.
  • Built-in CSS and Sass support for easy styling.
  • Hot module replacement for faster development iterations.
  • Static site generation for blazing fast websites.
  • CDN hosted for better speed, security, scalability and value for money.
  • Serverless edge functions.

Ruby on Rails - Backend

Ruby on Rails is a robust and mature backend framework known for its simplicity and convention over configuration approach. Advantages:

  • MVC architecture for organised and maintainable codebase.
  • ActiveRecord for easy database management.
  • Convention over configuration for faster development.
  • Extensive libraries and gems for added functionality.
  • Extensive testing frameworks and tools.
  • Strong community support and vast ecosystem.
  • Stability and security by design.

Getting Started

To install Next on Rails, you need to have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. Run the following command to install the tool globally:

npm install -g nextonrails

Once installed, you can create a new Next on Rails project by running:

nextonrails new myproject


We welcome contributions from the community to make Next on Rails even better. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


Next on Rails is released under the MIT License.