Basic Beta Pool Backend for Nexus CPU Channel

Primary LanguageC++


Do not expect it to be perfect. You can see a baseline LLD, and the use of the LLP. This will help you in further pool development.

Contact me if you have bug fixes.

Note: The Web UI will be changed into JSON and created as it's own template packet, as integer serialization is limited by PHP's 32 signed integer maximum. This repository will be changed / possibly removed in the future to be replaced with a fully LLL integrated pool server with functional web front end.


libmysql++ libmysql++-dev



  • installed on either a local or remote server
  • configured with a user that has permissions to create insert update

Building windows

There is a VS2017 project available. Needed includes and libs will be searched in .\deps\include and .\deps\libs. Dependencies

  • Boost
  • OpenSSL (version < 1.1.0)
  • Mpir
  • MySQL Connector C (available in MYSQL package)

pool.conf file:

Please create a pool.conf (example file included) with the following


"wallet_ip" : "",   // The IP address of the NXS wallet the pool server should use 
"port" : 9549,              // The port the pool should run on

"daemon_threads" : 10,      // number of individual threads to connect to the wallet daemon 
"pool_threads" : 20,        // number of threads within each daemon connection that should support incoming connections
"enable_ddos" : "true",     // enable / disable DDOS protection
"ddos_rscore" : 20,         // DDOS rscore (look into the code for how this works)
"ddos_cscore" : 2,          // DDOS cscore (look into the code for how this works)
"min_share" : 40000000,     // pool minimum share difficulty
"pool_fee" : 1,             // pool fee percentage

"stats_db_server_ip" : "",         // the IP address of the server for the statistics database (e.g. MySQL)
"stats_db_server_port" : 3306,              // port of the statistics database server (3306 is default for MySQL)
"stats_db_username" : "nxspool",            // username for the statistics database server
"stats_db_password" : "nxspool",            // password for the statistics database server
"connection_stats_frequency" : 10,          // interval (in seconds) to save the connection stats for each miner.  This is how frequent the current connection count, PPS, and WPS stats are saved
"connection_stats_series_frequency" : 300   // interval (in seconds) for each series of miner connection data (allowing for historical connection data to be collected every X seconds)