
My solutions to the 8 Week SQL Challenge by Danny Ma

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

👨🏽‍💻 8 Week SQL Challenge

This project follows a great course made by Danny Ma called Data with Danny in 8 case studies of increasing difficulty aiming to improve your SQL skills and develop into a versatile Query..er?

All the case studies can be found here alongside any other resources. I'll display the datasets before any solutions so you can follow along if stuck, but remember please to not copy-paste my solutions as your own as a decent amount of effort has gone into this!

✔️ Case Studies

  • # 1 - Danny's Diner
  • #2 - Pizza Runner WIP
  • #3 Foodie-Fi Coming Soon!
  • #4 Data Bank Coming Soon!
  • #5 Data Mart Coming Soon!
  • #6 Clique Bait Coming Soon!
  • #7 Balanced Tree Clothing Co. Coming Soon!
  • #8 Fresh Segments Coming Soon!