design for emergencies like earthquakes or inaccessible places where filtered water is hard to obtain
I created, with a lot of help and input, a "lego like" piece that once assambeled becomes a Solar water filter.
Original design was based on Eliodomestico. And I want to thank Roberto Houser for redirecting me to that idea.
This is also a product that we want to give people in small towns so they can produce it and reactivate their economy.
It was already getting dark, it was a while since I didnt see my highschool friends. Now seemed that all of them where having kids! we where drinking and having a good laugh, when sudenly I feel everything shaking. So I automatically said "Earthquake!". Everybody look back at me with a puzzle face like saying, "are you crazy?". I was about to ignore it, when somebody else said, "yes. he is right" and Bum! everything started moving from left to right. It was so long (over a minute) that I had enough time to "Snapchat" it.
acouple of hours later we heard from the news that the epicenter was the coast of Ecuador. We (in the capital) had only felt a fraction of its magnitude. It had been a 7.8 magnitude earthquake. And we hear unoffical numbers that 2 people had died... then 20.. 40, 200... took many days to hear 646.
If you wonder how a 7.6 earthquake looks like:
The main problem in this kind of catastrophe, first and for most, water! To be most precise, drinkable water.
We gather for 3 days as much stuff as we could put it in boxes, things like canned food, clothing, medicine, and gave it to the army so they could take it to the cities that where affected. They would continully ask not to go and try to help, unless you where a doctor, since people without training will basically start consuming valuable resources.
Then for the next two weeks I focused on getting water filters. I though they could help.
One day Roberto Houser (Universidad Pacifico Ecuador) sent me a suggestion that instead of bringing those (very expensive and took time) we could do an "Eliodomestico" ( wich I though was a great idea, the problem is that in order to make it more accesible we had to redesign it (normally clay ovens are not that big, so I decided to make it modular) so they can make one piece. and create the outside. The beauty of this is that that 1 piece can be 3d printed and be used as the mold.
But overall, we take it to remote areas where poeple have no jobs and now they can create this products as part as the economical reactivation after the disasters.
Here are the parts
or here