Web3 Secret Club

What it does

With W3SC(Web3 Secret Club), anyone can earn CryptoCoin on IPFS && Any EVM Chain on the Web3 world by selling anything.



  • creators can manage their web3 secret clubs
    • create new club source
      • club logo (upload to IPFS)
      • basic price (for the token sell price)
      • invite commission (for club owner promote marketing)
      • all data pack into json and submit to IPFS via NFT.Stroage SDK source
    • add item for the Club source
      • club item has banner, title, intro, item unlock minimum token number, encrypted content fields
      • all the fields get packed into an json and upload to IPFS
        • secret content get encrypted before packed into json
      • creator can also add their own NFT contract as additional decrypt condition for club member
      • currently as POC only support text content, will support many more formats for the next step: music/movie/images
  • audiences can join clubs and get club secret content by mint club tokens (ERC1155 tokens provide by platform) source
    • follow/join club by mint at least 1 token of club NFT
    • invite friends to join club and get commission rewards
    • mint club NFT tokens
      • total pay amount = basicPrice * tokenAmount
      • inviter get ${inviteCommission}% of the payment
    • check club secret content items list
    • get decrypted content automaticly source
  • platform get 1% fee for all of the token mint payments
  • contract Build base on the ERC1155 source

How it works

In web3 secret club, we have two kinds of users: creators and audiences, creator can create secret club and secret items in club, while the audiences can follow/join club and decrypt secret items if they meet the unlock conditions.

Audiences follow/join club by mint any number of club NFT tokens(ERC1155 token provide by platform), decrypt secret item automaticly if they have enough tokens.

A web3 secret club can be use for any kinds of creator economy relative group, media content, memberships.

  • Video lessons
  • Academic paper
  • Drawing & Painting as ERC721 NFTs
  • Fiction Books: Short stories, novellas, as NFT
  • Films as NFT
  • Music & Sound Design: Tracks, beats as NFT
  • Photography
  • Sell your Top 10 lists
  • Sell your crypto tips
  • Sell your keto cookbook
  • Sell your new emojis
  • Seriously, sell anything!

Application Tech Stack

  • IPFS
  • OpenZepplin
  • ERC1155
  • Hardhat
  • Vercel
  • TailwindCSS
  • Vue3
  • Pinia (state store)
  • PWA
  • Vite2

What's next

  • Build more UI/UX for different areas/tracks users
  • Marketing && Promotion for the platform
  • Improve the UX/UI design
  • Make a great Landing page
  • Find 100 NFT KOLs to use our platform and get earned
  • Help top 100 users to get earned with $1M worths of Crypto Assets