
experiments repo for oblivious prefetching

Primary LanguageShell


File Description
CLoudlab deployment Long list of commands that turns a fresh cloudlab instance into one ready for our evaluation experiments. Note that the script requires at least 2 restarts between stages and relevant sections must be run manually (just running the script once will not do it, todo:: automate later). Most steps in the script are optional for remote memory server but I have usually done them to just make the environment symetric
benchmark.sh Main benchmarking script used to generate raw data (spilled to disc as csvs in experiment_results). Usage is quite simple but below there also are some exaples
analysis/experiment_helpers.py Helper functions that turn raw ftrace/time/cgroup/nic and other collected data into metrics that we care about. Would be great to have the logic reviewed by someone else. This has been a source of bugs in the past
analysis/oblivious.ipynb Data exploration notebook. Uses the API from the helpers above
cpp workloads
python workloads

Usage exaples of benchmark.sh

#Usage: sudo ./benchmark.sh experiment_name num_pages program_invocation


sudo ./benchmark.sh mmult_eigen_dot 528000 taskset -c $CPU ./cpp/mmult_eigen_dot 4 $((4096*4096*8)) dot
sudo ./benchmark.sh sort  33529  taskset -c $CPU ./cpp/sort 42 $((1<<25)) bitonic_sort false
RATIOS=20 sudo ./benchmark.sh sort_merge 262000  taskset -c $CPU ./cpp/sort_merge 42 $((1<<28)) bitonic_merge false