
Assignment for Introduction to R Programming


The given dataset show all the survey conducted among participants from different countries and demography. Explore and examine the 338 records provided using any suitable statistical analysis techniques to obtain the desired results. You may start with cleaning, exploring and manipulating/exploiting the data provided before proceeding to analysis to gain a more in-depth and meaningful insight into the data.

The records show the data collected from 338 surveys conducted from 07th tills 11th May 2019.

Column Description
Timestamp Timestamp of the survey
Participant_ID Participant identification number
Age Age of the participant
Gender Gender of the participant
Nationality Nationality of the participant
Food Food Preference of the participant
Juice Juice Preference of the participant
Dessert Dessert Preference of the participant


  1. Perform data cleaning
  2. Explore the data insights into the underlying patterns and relationships among the data
  3. Apply statistical analysis
  4. Visualize the results


🌐 Tableau: https://public.tableau.com/views/FoodPreferenceSurvey2019/Dashboard1?:language=en-GB&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link

Screenshot (1080)