
  • List of practice projects that I have done to improve my skills.

I. TReact

🔗 TReact


Project walkthrough

  • Established the foundational HTML structure for the website.
  • Linked the CSS file to the HTML document.
  • Created a * Universal Selector to reset all default styles.
  • Developed and applied CSS styles for the website.
  • Implemented reusable CSS classes for consistent styling.
  • Incorporated @media queries to ensure responsive design.
  • Added JavaScript functionality to create a hamburger menu.

Things that can be improved

  • Enhance class naming conventions by learning more about the BEM (Block Element Modifier) methodology.
  • Explore SASS to improve the readability and maintainability of the CSS code.


🔗 E-book

💻 HTML5 CSS JavaScript

Project description

  • Created a simple e-book website with a navigation bar and a content section.

Things that can be improved

  • Implement a more complex design with additional features.
  • Implement the data using an API.

III. Portfolio

🔗 Portfolio

💻 HTML5 CSS JavaScript

Project description

  • Developed a portfolio website to showcase my projects and skills.
  • Implemented a responsive design using CSS Flexbox and Grid.

Things that can be improved

  • Add more projects to the portfolio.
  • Implement a more elaborate design with animations and transitions.

IV. Zelda Wiki

🔗 Zelda Wiki

💻 HTML5 CSS JavaScript API

Project description

  • Created a character search engine for the Legend of Zelda series. Implemented the search functionality using the Zelda API.

Things that can be improved

  • Implement additional features such as filtering and sorting options.
  • Improve the design and layout of the website.
  • Moving project to React.

V. Calculator

🔗 Calculator


Project description

  • Developed a simple calculator using HTML and CSS.
  • Implemented the basic functionality of a calculator using JavaScript.
  • Styled the calculator using CSS Grid.

Things that can be improved

  • Implement additional features such as scientific functions.
  • Improve the design and layout of the calculator.
  • Add keyboard support for the calculator.