
Phần mềm quản lý Thư Viện - JAVAFX - MYSQL

Primary LanguageJava

Library Management System


1. Nguyễn Phi Khang   - 17520616
2. Nguyễn Tấn Phát    - 17520879
3. Dương Thị Thu Thủy - 17521119

Teacher: Lê Thanh Trọng

Score: 9


  • Building Library Management software to improve efficiency in library management.
  • Minimize the amount of manual work.
  • Information security and time saving.
  • Create tools for libraries to easily manage libraries better.


  • The software has an easy-to-use interface.
  • Allows the storage of book target audience: managers, librarians, librariansitles, readers, staff and allows to expand the amount of documents later.
  • Manage borrowing, returning documents, setting up fine receipts easily, accurately calculating and managing total readers' debt, convenient for librarians.
  • Search for document information, readers quickly and easily.
  • Allows for efficient statistics, report printing, regulatory change and management.
  • Target audience: managers, librarians.


  • JavaFX
  • MySQL


  • commons-io-2.4
  • fontawesomefx-8.2
  • jasperreports-6.11.0
  • jfoenix-9.0.8
  • mysql-connector-java-8.0.19
  • TrayTester
  • xmpcore-5.1.3


Login Screen

Home Screen

Readers Management Screen

Books Management Screen

Borrow/Return Management Screen

Employee Management Screen

Statisic Screen

Word Export Screen

System Screen

Information Screen

Expand/Collapse Menu