Heroku CRUD Demo

How I got to here

I followed the tutorials Deploying a Laravel Application to Heroku & Installing a Laravel app on Heroku.

I then installed a crud-generator to make generating scaffolding easy.

Things to run before we start

Add the buildpack to tell Heroku we are PHP app and not a node app

heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-php

Then add the laravel config keys

heroku config:add APP_KEY=f9F8w6B0sQnXK94vCgM2fh76ewMKE7Hp &&
heroku config:add APP_DEBUG=true

Then lets make a database!

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev

Making our CRUD

php artisan crud:generate Person --fields="name:string, email:string, phone:integer, message:text"

Add the route

Route::resource('person', 'PersonController');

Deploy up to heroku, then run

php artisan migrate