
Cli for better golang object-relational mapper inspired by prisma and GORM.

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Cli for better golang object-relational mapper inspired by prisma and GORM.

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Table of contents

  1. What does it do?
  2. How to specify schema?
  3. Relations
  4. How to run migrations
  5. How to run generator
  6. How to run clean

What does it do?

  • Creates migrations using schema specified in YAML file
  • Generates structs using specified schema
  • Cleans up the names inside schema to match the rules

How to specify schema?

You can specify schema in YAML files. Here is an example of the schema file:

  provider: postgresql
  url: env("DATABASE_URL")

  - name: User
      - name: id
        type: int
        default: autoincrement()
        id: true
      - name: email
        type: string
        unique: true
      - name: username
        type: string?
      - name: isVerified
        type: boolean
        default: false
      - name: userType
        type: UserRole
      - name: todos
        type: Todo[]
      - name: videos
        type: UserToVideoRelation[]

  - name: Todo
      - name: id
        type: string
        default: uuid()
        id: true
      - name: title
        type: string
      - name: userId
        type: int
      - name: user
        type: User
        relationField: userId
        referenceField: id
      - name: note
        type: Note

  - name: Note
      - name: id
        type: string
        default: uuid()
        id: true
      - name: text
        type: string
      - name: todo
        type: Todo
        relationField: id
        referenceField: id

  - name: UserToVideoRelation
      - name: id
        type: int
        default: autoincrement()
        id: true
      - name: userId
        type: int
      - name: videoId
        type: int
      - name: user
        type: User
        relationField: userId
        referenceField: id
      - name: video
        type: Video
        relationField: videoId
        referenceField: id

  - name: Video
      - name: id
        type: int
        default: autoincrement()
        id: true
      - name: title
        type: string
      - name: users
        type: UserToVideoRelation[]
  - name: UserRole
      - Admin
      - User

Let's dive into some details:

  • Connection

    • Purpose
      • Here you can specify your db provider as well as connection string (url). postgresql is the only available option for now.
      • Instead of specifying url explicitly you can use env("YOUR_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME") function to load env variable and use it as url.
    • Requirements
      • Should have name and url property
  • Models

    • Purpose
      • Here you can specify models and properties that will correspond to them. For each of these models, new table will be created with name you specified in 'name' option.
    • Requirements
      • Should have name and properties property
      • Should have 2 or more properties and one of them should have id property set to true
  • Enums

    • Purpose
      • Here you can specify enums with corresponding values, that will be created.
    • Requirements
      • Should have name and values property with 2 or more string values
  • Properties (inside model)

    • Purpose
      • Here you can specify properties on model (columns in db)
    • Requirements
      • Should have name and type properties.
      • Type property should have one of these values
        • int
        • boolean
        • float
        • string
        • dateTime
        • Models defined in schema
        • Enums defined in schema
        • Arrays (T[])
        • Nullable types (T?)
    • Optional fields
      • id
        • Defines if field is an id field or not (id field == primary key field)
      • Default
        • Defines default value which will be assigned to cell, when row will be created
        • Possible values
          • int
          • boolean
          • float
          • string
          • dateTime
          • Enums defined in schema
          • now() function
          • uuid() function
          • autoincrement() function


  • Basic Info

    • Defining relations
      • Relations can be defined using relationField and referenceField properties
      • relationField should be a field on model that you are defining relation on
      • referenceField should be a field on model that you are referencing
      • The referenced model should have a field with the type of the model that you are defining relation on
  • Supported relation types

    • One to many
      • Requirements
        • Should have relationField and referenceField properties
        • relationField should be an array type
        • referenceField should be a unique type
    • One to one
      • Requirements
        • Should have relationField and referenceField properties
        • relationField should be a unique type
        • referenceField should be a unique type
    • Many to many
      • Requirements
        • Separate linking model should be created, where you define 2 fields, that will reference models that you want to link
        • Both fields should have relationField and referenceField properties
        • Both fields should be an array type
        • Linking table should have id field
        • Example
            - name: User
            - name: id
              type: int
              default: autoincrement()
              id: true
            - name: email
              type: string
              unique: true
            - name: username
              type: string?
            - name: isVerified
              type: boolean
              default: false
            - name: videos
              type: UserToVideoRelation[]
            - name: UserToVideoRelation
                - name: id
                  type: int
                  default: autoincrement()
                  id: true
                - name: userId
                  type: int
                - name: videoId
                  type: int
                - name: user
                  type: User
                  relationField: userId
                  referenceField: id
                - name: video
                  type: Video
                  relationField: videoId
                  referenceField: id
            - name: Video
                - name: id
                  type: int
                  default: autoincrement()
                  id: true
                - name: title
                  type: string
                - name: users
                  type: UserToVideoRelation[]

How to run migrations

  1. Download latest executable from GitHub
  2. Run command in command line

How to run generator

  1. Download latest executable from GitHub
  2. Run command in command line
./FOLDER_WHERE_EXECUTABLE_EXISTS/GoRelCli.exe generate --path="./FOLDER_WHERE_GOREL_SCHEMA_EXISTS/gorel_schema.yml" --project_path="./ROOT_PROJECT_FOLDER"

How to run clean

  1. Download latest executable from GitHub
  2. Run command in command line