
A simple version manager for Mindustry, sourcing versions from GitHub releases.

Primary LanguageNim


  • Download your OS executable from the latest release.
  • Add it to your PATH variable.


Downloading Mindustry

You can either directly download version jar files, or use the built-in state.

To directly download, use minldr download [version] [desktop | server] [file], or the shorthand minldr d [version] [d | s] [file]. For example, minldr d v140.4 d ~/Downloads/v140.4-desktop.jar

To use the state, use minldr install [version] [desktop | server], or the similar shorthand, minldr i [version] [d | s]. For example, minldr i v140.4 d

Running Mindustry

Similarly to above, you can choose whether to use the state.

To use it, call minldr run [version] [desktop | server] [directory], or the corresponding shorthand.

To not use it, call minldr execute [jar] [directory], or the corresponding shorthand.

For additional clarification, [directory] is the run directory, for either the desktop or server version.

Other commands

To see either available or installed versions, use minldr list [available | installed], or minldr l [a | i].

To see the help pages, either simply call minldr for all of them, or minldr [command] for a specific command.

Help text

Inserted for convenient access.

usage: minldr [command]

(l)ist [(a)vailable | (i)nstalled]
:: lists versions either available for download or installed

(d)ownload [version] [(d)esktop | (s)erver] [file]
:: downloads [version] of platform [desktop | server] to [file]

(i)nstall [version] [(d)esktop | (s)erver]
:: essentially [download], but is tracked by minldr

(u)ninstall [version] [(d)esktop | (s)erver]
:: deletes [platform] for [version]

(e)xecute [jar] [directory]
:: runs the Mindustry [jar] in [directory]

(r)un [version] [(d)esktop | (s)erver] [directory]
:: runs [platform] of [version] in [directory]

minldr version v0.3.1