
A simple AFK Manager plugin for CS2.

Primary LanguageC#

[CS2] AFK Manager

A simple AFK Manager plugin for CS2 based on player-checker by sazonische from CS:GO


Config File located in /addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/AFKManager with Settings:

  • Chat Prefix (Prefix in Chat)
  • Warnings (How Many Warnings Should Be Issued Before Moving Player to Spectator, 0 - to disable)
  • Punishment options (0 - kill | 1 - kill + move to spectator | 2 - kick)
  • All messages can be configured through the configuration file.
  • Timer (Adjust the timer interval)
  • SpecWarnPlayerEveryXSeconds ( issue a warning every x seconds )
  • SpecKickPlayerAfterXWarnings ( kick player after x warnings issued, 0 - to disable )
  • SpecKickMinPlayers (minimum number of players to kick).
  • SkipFlag ( Skip players with that flag during AFK verification )
  • SpecSkipFlag ( Skip SPEC players with that flag during AFK verification )
  • SpecKickOnlyMovedByPlugin ( Only check SPEC players that were moved by AFK Manager )
  • Retake ( Only check CT players )


CounterStrikeSharp v110 or higher


K4ryuu - Helping with config file and other things before CSS's config implementation.

xstage - Helping with the "changeTeam" function before CSS version ~90 in order to properly move players to SPEC.

sazonische - player-checker

B3none - Plugin ideas.