Scrape hacker news comments and posts using the Algolia API.
from hackernews_scraper import CommentScraper
The above will return a generator that will yield one comment at a time.
It will keep on going until there are no more comments to fetch, or until
it reaches the 50 pages limit set by hacker news. In the latter case, a
will be raised.
If the hacker news API response is missing any required fields, the scraper
will raise KeyError
'author': u'dhmholley',
'comment_id': u'7531026',
'comment_text': u'Are people still blowing this whistle?...',
'created_at': u'2014-04-04T12:57:38.000Z',
'parent_id': 7530853,
'points': 1,
'story_id': None,
'story_title': None,
'story_url': None,
'timestamp': 1396616258,
'title': None,
'url': None
'author': u'sethco',
'created_at': u'2014-04-04T12:56:23.000Z',
'objectID': None,
'points': 1,
'story_text': 1,
'timestamp': 1396616183,
'title': u'Opower IPO today',
'url': u''
You need to have httpretty and factory-boy installed.
Run nosetests
in the root folder or the tests